Detailed information on tenders, contracts, contracts and price registration minutes signed by the Port of Maceió.

On this page, you have access to public information made available by APMC (Administração do Porto de Maceió), in compliance with Normative Instruction No. 84/2020, of the Federal Audit Court - TCU, which establishes rules for the taking and rendering of accounts by administrators and those responsible for the Federal Public Administration.

This is information that highlights APMC's Accountability, presenting the good and regular application of public resources, as well as the results of the actions undertaken by management to meet the established objectives, in order to guarantee transparency.

The structure of the page follows that set out in art. 8th, items I, II, III and IV, of the Normative Instruction.

Section I

Objectives, targets, exercise performance indicators and results achieved, their link to the strategic objectives and mission of CODERN.
Public value in terms of products and results generated during the year.
Main supervisory, control and correction actions adopted by CODERN to guarantee legality, legitimacy, economy and transparency in the application of public resources.
Organizational structure, competencies, applicable legislation, main positions and their occupants, addresses and telephone numbers of the units, opening hours to the public.
Programs, projects, actions, works and activities, indicating the responsible unit, main goals and results achieved in the period and accumulated in the year.
in preparation
Onlending or transfer of financial resources.
Detailed budget and financial execution.
Tenders carried out and in progress, by modality, with notices, annexes and results, in addition to the signed contracts and commitment notes issued.
Remuneration and allowance received by holder of a position, rank, degree, public function and employment, including aid, subsistence allowances, jetons and other pecuniary advantages.
in preparation
Contact of the monitoring authority, designated under art. 40 da Law 12,527, of 2011, and Information Service telephone and email to the Citizen (SIC).

Section II

Section III

Management report presented in the form of an integrated report on the management of CODERN.cativas.

Section IV

Role of Responsible Persons