1. Introduction

Issues involving environmental aspects in organizations have, for a long time now, ceased to be merely a question of compliance with legal requirements and have started to be treated with greater attention and importance, as environmental awareness has been increasing progressively. and becoming a true culture in our society, which is reflected in greater vigilance and demands on its part for organizations to adopt increasingly convincing stances in such aspects.

2. Policy and Objectives

2.1. Environmental Policy

An environmental policy is basically a declaration of intentions of an organization, a model to be followed, which establishes the basic foundations that will guide all other actions, programs and initiatives related to its environmental issues, demonstrating commitment to its role as an active agent in promoting the sustainable development of its field of activity and with the preservation, conservation and recovery of environmental quality not only in the place where its activities take place but also in the surrounding community. The establishment of an environmental policy is of great importance for any organization as it demonstrates its commitment to dealing with environmental issues diligently, being validated by the highest decision-making and hierarchical levels and forming part of a larger set of initiatives that integrate the management system . environmental management of the organization.

2.1.1. Principles

The Administration of the Port of Maceió - APMC reaffirms through this document its commitment to implementing active, efficient, proactive environmental management based on the following principles:

• Compliance with relevant legal and regulatory requirements;
• Articulated and integrated action with all areas and sectors of this administration, as well as with tenant companies, port operators, outsourced companies and other interested parties;
• Search for continuous improvement of environmental performance and expansion of eco-efficiency initiatives;
• Integration of environmental aspects into internal and decision-making processes; • Rational use of natural resources in operational processes, continually seeking to reduce impacts with actions to encourage the minimization of waste generation and combat waste;
• Act ethically, with integrity and transparency with all interested parties, publicizing this Environmental Policy and other actions and programs carried out, maintaining available and accessible communication channels;
• Support and participate in public initiatives that contribute to environmental education and community awareness;
• Continuous improvement of our policies, programs and practices, taking into account compliance with established objectives and goals and compliance with current environmental legislation;
• Constant updating through training and courses to raise awareness and empower employees;

2.1.2. Guidelines

For the correct implementation of this policy, the following guidelines must be observed:

• Act proactively and preventively on Environmental issues;
• Make information related to plans, policies, programs and actions carried out available to the interested public, both internal and external, in an up-to-date manner and through appropriate channels;
• Preparation and Implementation of an Institutional Environmental Agenda;
• Prepare and maintain all relevant documentation related to compliance with legal requirements such as the environmental license and other environmental programs and plans;
• Create and maintain a database with information on the situation of companies that provide services to the port, as well as tenants, port operators, outsourced companies, with regard to meeting their legal requirements and existing environmental programs;
• Develop normative instructions and operational procedures to ensure faithful execution and compliance with established operational standards and requirements; • Carry out a critical assessment of the entire structure annually with a view to continuous improvement;

2.2. Objectives

The Port of Maceió Environmental Policy reflects our commitment to preserving the environment and promoting sustainability in all of our operations. Our objectives are as follows:

• Legal compliance: We commit to complying with all applicable environmental laws and regulations, ensuring that our activities are compliant and avoiding any negative impact on the environment.
• Conservation of natural resources: We seek to sustainably use natural resources, such as water and energy, by implementing energy efficiency practices, reducing consumption and waste, and maximizing the responsible use of available resources.
• Pollution prevention: We implement measures to prevent, reduce and control environmental pollution resulting from our operations, aiming to minimize negative impacts on air, water and soil. We carry out regular monitoring to ensure the effectiveness of these measures.
• Waste management: We adopt appropriate waste management practices, including reducing waste generation, correct segregation, recycling and responsible final disposal of the waste generated. We constantly seek sustainable alternatives for the treatment and disposal of waste.
• Education and awareness: We promote environmental awareness among our employees, partners, customers and the local community. We invest in training, educational programs and awareness campaigns to disseminate good environmental practices and encourage everyone's participation in preserving the environment.
• Innovation and continuous improvement: We encourage innovation and the development of environmental solutions, constantly seeking to improve our environmental performance through the adoption of cleaner technologies, more efficient practices and continuous improvement of our processes.
• Collaboration with stakeholders: We establish partnerships with suppliers, customers, environmental agencies and the local community, promoting a collaborative approach to addressing common environmental challenges, sharing knowledge and best practices.

Through this Environmental Policy, the Port of Maceió reaffirms its commitment to environmental sustainability and seeks to be an example of good environmental practices in our community. We are committed to protecting the environment for future generations and contributing to a more sustainable future.

3. Institutional Environmental Agenda

Environment and Sustainability
Social Responsibility
Occupational Safety and Health


Procedure for implementing Port Environmental Management Characterizing the importance of port activity; The interests and performance of the federal government in the sector were assessed, the coastal management process and the various environmental policy instruments were analyzed, and general guidelines for the implementation of the Port Environmental Agenda were defined:

• Institution of an Environmental Management and Occupational Health Policy;
• Environmental Risk Management;
• Compliance with relevant international conventions, agreements and resolutions;
• Compliance with the National Environmental Policy, the National Policy for Sea Resources and the National Policy for Water Resources;

The axis-based action proposal consists of:

Axis 1 – Environment and Sustainability: Interventions aimed at minimizing waste with consumable materials, electricity, water, waste management and other relevant environmental aspects.

Axis 2 – Social: Interventions in the neighboring community, with the aim of promoting ecosystem preservation, environmental awareness and general public health care.

Axis 3 – Occupational Health: Institutionally promote the implementation of a health and safety culture, focused on creating and maintaining a safe and healthy work environment, both from a physical, psychosocial and emotional point of view

3.2.Socio-environmental actions calendar (Do)

The table presented below establishes a list of initial actions for the implementation of the Port Environmental Agenda for a period of 01 year. This planning must be periodically reviewed, in order to adapt it to institutional realities and financial availability.

1 Green April: World Day for Health and Safety at Work Institutional campaign with lecture series 04/28/2023 Servers Port of Maceió
2 Yellow and Red May: Prevention of traffic accidents and viral hepatitis. Card + Disclosure 05/16/2023 Port of Maceió Servers and Cargo Drivers
3 Red and orange June: Anemia prevention and blood donation. Card + Campaign for blood donation, HEMOAL bus Health promotion action in partnership with SENAC 06/13/2023 Servers Port of Maceió
4 World Environment Day Campaign for conscious use of energy, water and consumable materials 05/06/2023 Servers Port of Maceió
5 Yellow July: Bone cancer prevention Card + Disclosure 07/11/2023 Servers Port of Maceió
6 Health in Ports A August Servers Port of Maceió
7 Project to rescue or adopt a degraded area Project in partnership with schools to restore degraded areas August Schools/ Porto de Maceió
8 Red, yellow and green September: Heart health awareness, suicide prevention and organ donation. Card + Disclosure + Campaign for suicide prevention September Servers Port of Maceió
9 Pink October: Breast cancer prevention Card + campaign and lecture 10/10/2023 Servers Port of Maceió
10 National Vaccination Day Review of employees’ vaccination schedule and provision of a structure for vaccination 10/28/2023 Servers Port of Maceió
11 Blue November: Prostate cancer prevention Card + campaign and lecture 14/11/2023 Servers Port of Maceió
12 Social project with artisans and fishermen (Porto in the neighborhood) Lecture on health and environmental awareness November Artisans and fishermen
13 Orange and red December: Fighting skin cancer and preventing AIDS Card + Disclosure 13/12/2023 Servers Port of Maceió
14 Project getting to know the port of Maceió Welcome to educational institutions, presenting the port Continuous Educational institutions


Performance indicators are metrics that will allow the evaluation of workflows, helping to direct operations and people in relation to the objectives and goals outlined in the planning of the port environmental agenda. Below are listed the indicators that will be managed during the validity of this agenda:

% Reduction in electrical energy consumption
% Reduction in water consumption
% Reduction in consumption of disposable cups
% Reduction in Ream consumption
Adherence of employees to training
% of technical visits to the port
% of employees with updated vaccination schedule
Environmental training carried out
OSH training carried out
Environmental Incidents and Accidents
Incidents and Accidents at work
Environmental Licensing Status
Environmental education actions
Communication of actions
Environmental Audit

1 % Reduction in Electricity Consumption Measure the reduction in electrical energy consumption after interventions. 10%
2 % Water Consumption Reduction Measure the reduction in water consumption after interventions. 10%
3 % Reduction in Consumption of disposable cups Measure the reduction in the consumption of disposable cups after interventions. 10%
4 % Ream Consumption Measure the reduction in paper consumption after interventions. 50%
5 Staff adherence to training. Measure the participation of employees in the training offered 60%
6 % of technical visits to the port Evaluate the total number of visits attended to the demand for requests. 80%
7 % of servers with updated vaccination schedule Evaluate servers with an updated vaccination schedule. 100%
8 Environmental training carried out Measure environmental training as proposed. 100%
9 SST training carried out Measure completion of occupational health and safety training as proposed. 100%
10 Environmental incidents and accidents Evaluate the occurrence of environmental incidents and their frequency. 0
11 Incidents and accidents at work Evaluate the occurrence of work incidents and their frequency. 0
12 Environmental licensing status Measure progress of the environmental license. 100%
13 Environmental education actions Measure implementation of environmental education actions. 100%
14 Communication of actions
15 Environmental Audit Measure the effectiveness of environmental auditing 60%


At the end of the port environmental agenda, the monthly results of all indicators will be consolidated, including critical analysis of scenarios, monthly variations, assessment of achievement of goals and an action plan to encourage continuous improvement in port environmental management.

6. Responsibilities

Environmental Management and Occupational Safety Coordination
Responsible for the preparation and operationalization of this policy and other environmental instruments;

Administrator's Office
Responsible for approving this instrument.

General Secretariat
Responsible for coordination between environmental coordination and other sectors.

Legal advice
Responsible for controlling and adapting the port's actions to current legislation.

Engineering Sector
Responsible for carrying out works and preparing projects to improve the port's structure and which may affect environmental aspects;

General Services Sector
Responsible for carrying out cleaning and maintenance routines.

7. General provisions

This environmental policy of the Port of Maceió is in line with the other management instruments of this port Administration, demonstrating our comprehensive commitment to sustainability and responsible development. It complies with established strategic plans and guidelines, ensuring an integrated and coherent approach to environmental issues.

By establishing specific goals and objectives, this environmental policy contributes to the effective implementation of other policies, such as those related to occupational health and safety, quality, social responsibility and corporate governance. We believe that efficient environmental management is a fundamental pillar for the sustainable success of the Port of Maceió. By adopting this policy, we are strengthening synergy between the different areas of the Port Administration, promoting an organizational culture focused on protecting the environment, conserving natural resources and preventing pollution. This integrated approach provides a solid foundation for efficient and responsible management of our port operations.

In addition, environmental policy seeks to establish partnerships with other entities and interested parties, both in the public and private sectors, to promote cooperation and share good practices in terms of environmental management.

We believe that collaboration and knowledge exchange are essential to effectively face environmental challenges.

With this environmental policy aligned with existing management instruments, we are building a solid foundation for a sustainable port, which respects the environment, contributes to the economic development of the region and maintains a lasting commitment to future generations.