The Ombudsman of Companhia Docas do Rio Grande do Norte – CODERN was created by Resolution 047/2018-DIREXE, of June 14, 2018; Deliberation No. 014/2018-CONSAD, of June 28, 2018 and Deliberation No. 034/2018-CONSAD, of October 30, 2018.

It is structured regimentally and organizationally, being directly linked to the company's Board of Directors and always seeking to act in line with the guidelines, objectives, and planning of the Board of Directors and Collegiate Members.

Competing for the Ombudsman's Office is a means of dialogue between CODERN and society, promoting compliance with citizens' demands, as well as supporting senior management in the development of public policies and the achievement of its mission, objectives and goals.

Through service channels, you can:

- Clarify doubts, request information, register a permission, make a complaint, a compliment or even give a suggestion related to CODERN's activities;
- You can also appeal to the Ombudsman's Office in case of combating the practice of illegal acts, discrimination, acts of violence or any manifestation of prejudice or abuse, with the privacy and confidentiality of personal data being guaranteed, in accordance with current legislation;
- You can also register requests for information and data, based on the Access to Information Law, through the Citizen Information System (SIC).

Make your Manifestation

Federal Executive Branch Ombudsman System

Service Channels - CODERN - Companhia Docas do Rio Grande do Norte

Submissions, both to the Ombudsman and to the SIC, can be made through the following service channels:

1 - FALA.BR System (

2 - Institutional email (

3 - Telephone and WhatsApp (84) 99139-4506

4 - In person (by appointment) or sending correspondence to the address:
CODERN Ombudsman - Companhia Docas do Rio Grande do Norte | Av. Eng. Hildebrando de Góis, 220, Ribeira, Natal/RN ZIP Code: 59010-700